
Current Projects

Below you will find our current projects in catenary and overhead line construction.

  • 110-kV overhead line from UW Oberpullendorf to UW Rotenturm

    Construction of a new line from the Oberpullendorf substation to Rotenturm.

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    Seiltausch und Regulation Bayernwerke

    Regulation and replacement of high-voltage cables in two construction lots.

  • 110-kV overhead line Steyr Nord – Steyr Ost

    Das Bauvorhaben umfasst die Sanierung der letzten zehn noch aus den Errichtungsjahren 1940/41 stammenden Tragmaste.

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    Koralm Tunnel

    The subject of the project is the electrification of the Koralm tunnel system as well as the construction of the overhead line system of the feeder lines on both the Styrian and the Carinthian side. In order to realize the equipment of the tunnel system within a challenging time frame, a joint venture between Europten and Rhomberg Fahrleitungsbau was founded for this project. The total length of the double-track Koralm Tunnel is approx. 33 kilometers. The overhead contact line system in the tunnel will be equipped with an overhead conductor rail system. The length of the overhead conductor rail system to be completed in the tunnel is approx. 66 kilometers. The feeder section is about 4 kilometers long and will be equipped with overhead contact line type 2.1. The demanding project will start in February 2024 and is scheduled for completion in December 2024.

  • 380-kV-Ltg. from Dörpen to West-Niederrhein – Los 2b (in planning)

    Our extensive project for the 308-kV line from Dörpen to West Lower Rhine also includes the LOS 2b project. This consists of a total of 8 impressive 380 kV masts.

  • 380 kV Pulgar - Vieselbach line; West section (Bad Sulza - Vieselbach)

    According to the planning, the dismantling work of the 380 kV existing line will be carried out after and during the construction of the 380 kV new replacement line. 

    Lot 6 - section from pylon 206 to pylon 248 / Vieselbach substation

    Partial dismantling of the existing 380 kV Pulgar-Vieselbach line:

    • Line dismantling from existing pylon 201 to pylon 241 (41 pieces)
    • Existing pylons to be retained (old pylon no. 241 - new pylon no. 243)
    • Complete dismantling (pylon, foundation and stranding)
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    Electrification Eifel lines - Voreifelbahn 2645 (Lot 8)

    The electrification of line 2645 is part of the overall concept "Electrification Eifel Lines".  After the flood in July 2021, it was decided that these should be electrified as a whole in the course of reconstruction and the associated legal easements.
    For the electrification of the Voreifelbahn, the approx. 33 route kilometers were divided into 3 lots (lots 6, 7 and 8).  Lot 8 is the largest section with 14 km.
    The reconstruction of the necessary railroad structures (ballast bed, tracks, etc.) for railroad operation already took place in 2022.
    The main construction work for the overhead line will take place to a large extent during night and weekend closures in 2025 before the line is scheduled to go into operation in December 2026.
    Part of the current tender is the preparation of the design and implementation planning, as well as the construction of the entire overhead line system up to commissioning.

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    380-kV-Ltg. Bertikow – Pasewalk

    In diesem Projekt steht die Erhöhung der Stromtragfähigkeit im Fokus. Durch ökologische Restriktionen kam es bereits zu Verzögerungen im Bauprozess, welche wir nun überwunden haben und jetzt weiter fleißig unser Bauvorhaben weiterführen.

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    Trübbach - Buchs

    In the St. Gallen Rhine Valley, long-distance trains are to run every half hour between St. Gallen and Sargans in the future. This will require additional double-track sections as well as further construction work on the rail infrastructure.

    For this reason, EUROPTEN will implement the double-track expansion between Sevelen and Buchs SG (4 kilometers) as part of the federal government's 2025 expansion plan.

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    SOB Node Concept

    SOB and SBB trains are run on the same track between Wattwil and Lichtensteig stations. This means that SOB and SBB are jointly responsible for operating the traction power supply. A traction power supply concept exists between SBB and SOB for the above-mentioned section of line, the aim of which is to keep system availability as high as possible. Increased system availability helps to prevent system failures (blackouts) such as those that occurred in 2005.

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      SBB Winterthur Töss – Embrach

      SBB is upgrading Embrach-Rorbas / Pfungen station to be step-free so that it meets the requirements of the Disability Equality Act (BehiG). At the same time, the overhead contact line system is being renewed. We are rebuilding the catenary system on the Pfungen to Embrach line and at Embrach station and demolishing the old catenary system with our 2-way vehicles.

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      GKB OL Mounting Section 4

      The foundation work in section 04 (Wettmannstätten station to Wies-Eibiswald station) was already started in 2022 and a large part of the work has already been completed. The section of line with a length of around 33 kilometers is to be equipped with an overhead contact line system. Approximately 47 kilometers of catenary system type 1.2 and 3 kilometers of catenary system type 1.1 are to be installed by EUROPTEN. Most of the pre-assembly work began in April 2023 and was completed in June 2023. During the 2023 summer closure, the main work on the overhead contact line system will take place, with the majority of Section 04 completed. Completion of Section 04 is scheduled for the end of 2024.

    • TenneT – 380-kV Neubau - CCM – PFA 4

      In the first field between the portal and mast 1, the railroad line 1502 Oldenburg - Osnabrück is crossed. The 110 kV line shown in the plans is part of the conversion work on the new Cappeln West substation. Whether or not it will cross the 380 kV line depends on technical and construction agreements. The work in this interface area must be fixed within the framework of construction meetings with all those involved. 

      Between pylons 32 and 33, the 110 kV line LH-14-088 Löningen - Essen of Avacon Netz GmbH and the railroad line Meppen - Essen (Oldb.) of Emsländische Eisenbahn (EEB) will be crossed. 
      No temporary solutions are planned for either crossing with the overhead lines. According to the state of the art, the existing 110 kV overhead lines and the railroad lines have to be protected alternatively.

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      SOB Steinerberg

      Steinerberg station does not yet meet the requirements of the Disability Equality Act (BehiG). Passengers currently have to cross a track to get to the center platform. The railroad technology has also reached the end of its service life. The SOB is renewing the technical installations at the same time as the main work on the tracks and the platform.

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      Schweizerische Südostbahn AG (SOB) is building a modern, barrier-free stop in the center of Sattel. Trains on the S31 line will run from the new SOB Sattel stop from mid-December 2023. From then on, trains will no longer stop at the old SOB station Sattel-Aegeri. Passengers will then have shorter transfer distances to the bus stops or to the Hochstuckli railroad.

      The overhead contact line system will also be renewed in the rebuilding perimeter. The masts will be moved from the valley side to the mountain side.

